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- Event date: 26/11/2017
- Updated on: 26/11/2017
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Description: 'Theme: I am the vine, and you are the branches. John Chapter 15:5'. The procession began with a prayer and reading from the Bible. The Archbishop Thomas D’Souza gave a message in English and Bengali. He said Christians are the disciples of Jesus Christ. Their lives should be a life of service to others. They must be joyful and do their day to day activity in love and peace.
The procession began in a prayerful way and the blessed sacrament was in our midst, continuous singing of hymns and prayer to honour the King of Kings. The Christian people gathered in large numbers at St. Xavier’s College. The procession ended with Benediction and blessing on each one present.
The Catholic students from classes VI to XII, Catholic teachers and the Principal of Loreto House participated with zeal and enthusiasm.