The main objective of the department is to equip teachers with the skills required
to teach young children. Emphasis is given to "learning by doing" - activity based
learning, development of creative skills, self-development and inculcation of moral
and spiritual values. A high standard of work and competence is expected of both
the staff and the trainees, who are encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility
and an understanding of Children.
The Trained Teacher’s Certificate (T.T.C.) is a two year undergraduate course conducted
by the Teacher’s Training Department of Loreto House. Teachers graduating from this
course are qualified to teach in English medium primary schools. The department
was established in 1955 at the request of the Government of West Bengal and the
INTERSTATE BOARD for ANGLO – INDIAN EDUCATION. In 2003-2004, the department was
recognized by the NCTE – National Council for Teacher Education.
The two year course prepares teachers in all professional subjects, viz. Educational
Psychology, Principles of Education and School Organization, Methods of Teaching
Subjects at the Primary level such as Value Education, English, Mathematics, History,
Geography and General Science. Instruction is also given in Practical Subjects such
as Art and Craft, Physical Education, Speech Training and preparation of Teaching
Aids. Each trainee is required to undergo practical training experience twice a
year for a period of a month each term.
Trainees are allotted Nursery and Kindergarten classes for the first year and a
primary class in the second year of training. Their final teaching practice is an
externally examined session in a class of their preference. Evaluation is based
on both internal and external examinations in practical and theoretical papers.
Trainees are also assessed on work/projects done regularly throughout the two years.
Micro lessons are conducted where the trainee gets the opportunity to practice and
demonstrate skills to be used in the classroom.
The trainee teacher practices computer skills and attends an Educational Technology
Programmes (ICT ) designed to equip the teacher with first hand experience in using
technology in the classroom. Excursions are organized on an ongoing basis. Students
are encouraged to visit places of interest in and around the city. This is to enable
them to use these resources to make learning fun and develop in children an interest
in their environment. Projects and project journals are submitted regularly on topics
such as Child Study, History, Geography and Science, as well as a collection of
poems, rhymes and stories.
The Library is well-stocked, with a large variety of books and journals. It provides
students with a range of professional and general reading. The department is also
equipped with a TV, a Xerox machine, an overhead projector and slide projector.
Our trainees are also encouraged to organize events such as fund raisers for less
fortunate children. The department organizes a Christmas Bazaar and a Coffee Morning,
in addition to visiting various schools to raise awareness regarding the social
responsibility of teachers.
Must be Class XII pass with Maths as a subject up to Class X. 50% in class X and XII from any recognized school/board, as per government regulations.
Age Limit: 35 years
PH: (033)2265-8129 (office)
PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Aruna Cecilia Gomes
HEAD OF DEPARTMENT:Sister Molly Francis B.Ed., M.Ed.
Ms. Soma Chakraborty - M.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Neela Ghose - B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed
Mrs. Gargi Banerjee - M.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Samia Mallick - M.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Kasturi Paul - M.A., B.Ed., PH.D
Mrs. Stuti Chakravarty - M.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Sumita Bhattacharyya - M.Sc., B.Ed.
Mrs. Neesha Ramchandani - B.A., TTC
Ms. Christina Bralia - M.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Shernaz Chenoy - B.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Uma Ahmad – B.A., B.Ed.
Mrs. Katie Dalal - B.A., B.Ed.
Ms. Rupa Shaw – office assistant
Orientation programme for new joiners on 6th March,2018
Events in April
Earth Day
Earth Day celebrated on 24th April 2018. The Earth belongs to each one of us. Do your bit to save it from clogging up with plastic.
Save the Earth, save yourself!
Shopping Activity (2nd Years)
Loreto TTC 2nd year Department conducted a shopping experience as part of the maths methodology.
The class was divided into groups to prepare different types of shops.
Events in May
Rabindra Jayanti
Rabindra Jayanti was celebrated on 9th May,2018.
As we celebrate 157th Birth Anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore,he is intrinsically linked to the destiny of India.
The day was marked by dances, recitation, a playlist and Shesher Kobita.
Ideal Classroom
An ideal nursery classroom is an annual event at the Department.
The first year candidates set up a classroom with the various areas.
The children of the Nursery class come and join in the activities.
The Loreto House TTC Department take great care to put up areas like the Home corner,
Nature area, Language and Number areas and Sand and Water play. Playing is an important aspect of this level of learning.
Mandatory Disclosures
Alumnae Stories

Maria Sanchez visited the Department after 18 years since she passed her TTC. We were happy to meet her daughter and mother who were all down from Madrid. Maria is a teacher in a government school in Madrid.