Mary Ward (1585 - 1645)

Foundress of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Rules of Conducts Discipline
  • Enrolment in Loreto House implies willingness in parents and pupils to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  • The pupils of Loreto House are expected to behave in a lady-like manner on all occasions. They should address all members of the staff with due respect and politeness. They must show gentleness and courtesy to their companions. Refinement of manners, uprightness and self-restraint should be the hallmark of every pupil of the school.
  • Students must maintain 75% attendance in school. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or any other poor conduct, injurious to the tone of the school, is sufficient reason for dismissal of a pupil.
  • Reports on the general progress of the pupils will be sent to the parents throughout the year. These should be studied carefully and returned to the school authorities, signed by the parents or guardians. Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the pupil; hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final.
  • Parents are requested to see that their children attend school punctually and ensure that those who come to take the children home are here at the hour of dismissal. No parent/servant etc. will be allowed into the school premises or permitted to take a child home without producing the child's escort class (till Class III). The observance of these regulations is of vital importance for the safety of children and for school discipline.
  • No pupil may leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal and the required gate pass, which is to be collected from the School Office.
  • Parents or guardians are not allowed to see their children or meet teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal and by a previous appointment, as the members of the Staff may not leave the classroom during a teaching period.
  • Parents must be appropriately dressed at all times.
  • Private tuition for children from members of the school staff is not allowed.
  • No cell-phones, books, periodicals, pictures, newspapers or expensive pencil boxes, water-bottles etc. shall be brought into the school or circulated among the students. If a student is found in possession of a cell phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and the Management will not entertain any pleas for its return. This is necessary to safeguard the value system of the school. The school will not be held responsible for the safe custody of any such item. Personal property e.g. books, cardigans, bags etc. should bear the name of the owner.
  • Every pupil is expected to take part in all school activities. This regulation also applies when such activities take place out of the usual school hours. Should Seminars or Training Sessions be organised, all concerned students are expected to attend.
  • Any damage to school property must be compensated for at the cost of the offender.
  • Parents are to ensure their children have breakfast before leaving for school. They are to give their children a healthy snack if they have to stay back after school. Buying eatables from the street vendors is forbidden.
  • Visiting clubs, restaurants, shopping malls and theatres in school uniform is strictly forbidden, so is loitering around outside the school after school hours.
  • No collection of money is allowed without the Principal's sanction. Students are not permitted to give personal gifts to members of the staff. Children are permitted to give only sweets to their friends on their birthdays. Distribution of gifts or invitations to parties is not allowed within the school premises
  • All correspondence regarding the pupils should be neatly written on a blank A4 size sheet of paper and addressed to the Principal with the name, class and section of the student clearly written.
  • No marks will be awarded in the entire block test /examination, if a student uses unfair means.
  • Use of plastic bags is prohibited.


Pupils must wear the correct neat and clean school uniform. Class VI- X: Skirts must be knee length; Class XI & XII must have theirs at least two inches below the knees. No jewellery except a wrist watch and a pair of simple small earrings may be worn. Only natural colour, transparent prescription contact lenses are allowed. Hair is not be coloured and must be tied back, plaited, or if too short, a hair band must be worn. Mehndi on hands is strictly forbidden. No nail extension or hair coloring is permitted earring to be worn only on the first piercing. Students must wear their Identity Cards at all times. The correct ankle length school socks must be worn.


  • To ensure regularity, medical appointments should be made on the weekly holiday. Should this not be possible and the appointment has to be made on a school day prior permission must be taken from the Principal.
  • No leave of absence will be given without a previously written application from the parents subject to the approval of the principal. Pupils who have been absent from class for some unforeseen reason or who come late must have the reason entered in the Regularity Record, stating the cause of the absence or delay. (Reasons of a private nature may be submitted in a letter). All are expected to be in school before the first bell at 7.40 A. M. Disciplinary action will be taken against frequent offenders.
  • Attendance is compulsory on certain days of the academic year
    a. Non-teaching activity days like Republic Day, Teachers' Day, Children's Day etc.
    b. A fortnight before every major examination, before the end of a term and at the start of a new term.
    c. A school working day amidst several public holidays.
    d. Absenteeism on these compulsory attendance days will be dealt with sternly. Parents will need to meet the Principal personally with a written explanation for absence to be condoned.
  • In case of a long-term illness, the parent must personally inform the Principal along with a written application about the nature and likely duration of the pupil's illness. A Medical certificate is to be submitted along with the letter of absence on the return of the pupil.
  • Notice of withdrawal of a pupil must be given in writing one calendar month in advance or a month's fees paid in lieu of notice. Vacancies are not normally kept open for children who go away for a long period during the school year.
  • A list of holidays for the current year is printed in this diary. All are expected to attend school on the reopening day after each vacation. Parents are requested not to take their children on vacation before the set date and not to extend these vacations. Pupils not attending punctually after holidays are liable to have their names struck off the rolls. If they are re-admitted they must pay the Admission Fees again.
  • Parents and pupils must comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  • If unwell, a child should not be sent to school even if there is a Class Test or Examination.
  • If a student injures herself in the school campus she will be helped with immediate first aid only. The parents will be informed and are expected to come and attend to the child immediately. It is important to give correct phone numbers (minimum 2 phone numbers) in the diary and update it whenever there is a change. It is expected that parents will receive a call from the school number.
  • A letter to the Principal or any e-mail must be submitted if a child is absent for more than 3 days stating the reason.